Home/Programme 2021/18.10.2021 What professional practices in social street work?

What professional pratices in social street work?

What professional pratices in social street work?


9-10 AM: Reception and registration at the Atrium, Bd Léopold II n°44 à 1080 Bruxelles

10 AM: Welcome address from:

  • Edwin de Boevé, Director of Dynamo International
  • Cis Dewaele, Coordinator social street work – SAM VZW
  • Direction Youth Assistance Administration Directorate – Wallonia-Brussels Federation
  • Philippon Toussaint, President of the Youth Assistance Community Council

10.30 AM: Presentation of the « Words from the Streets » Forum Program and Issues by Sébastien Hertens, Director of Dynamo AMO

 10.45 AM: Coffee break

11 AM: Setting up and registration for workshops (LaVallée)

Associative Village (LaVallée) : Participating associations will present their activities.

1 PM: Lunch at LaVallée


2-3.15 PM: Participative Workshops:

  • Street hooking, how to make my animaton backpack ? (Braz de Oliviera) – BELGIUM
  • Between street and school: Street social work is part of the education system. What about social and health ? (Jon Echeverria) – SPAIN
  • Urban Street Work (Jean-Philippe Bergeron) – CANADA
  • Why and how to collaborate ? (Christiaan VERSCHOOR, Jerrol LASHLEY, Niko de Groot) – SLOVÉNIE / CROATIE / RÉPUBLIQUE TCHÈQUE / PAYS-BAS / PORTUGAL
  • Internet, a new public space: Doing « digital » street work ? (Jon Echeverria) – SPAIN

 3.15 PM: Coffee break

3.45-5 PM: Participative workshops:

  • Circus and Chess: Street hooking tools (Lucien Cambie) – BELGIUM
  • Culture in and from the Street (Peter Veyt) – BELGIUM
  • Relation youth/police, what position for the street social worker? (Sébastien Hertsens) – BELGIUM
  • Social street workers facing radicalization that leads to violence among Youngsters (Helder Luiz Santos) – SLOVAKIA / SLOVENIA / ITALY / PORTUGAL
  • Active participation in street work – What, why and how? (Jelena BATELIĆ, Anja Šumberac) – SLOVENIA / CROATIA / CZECH REPUBLIC / NETHERLANDS / PORTUGAL

2-5 PM: Field Visits:

5 PM: Inauguration of the photo exhibition « Tisseurs de liens » by Véronique Vercheval at the Atrium.


7 PM: Meeting evening at LaVallée



What professional practices
in social street work?



Detailed programme from Monday to Friday

Detailed programme from Monday to Friday